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Golden Eagle Sorter


This page contains a full description of each feature. You should read the documentation before using the program.

How to activate my license?

After purchasing a license key, you will receive an archive with the program.

  1. Unpack the archive.
  2. In the file key.txt put your key.
  3. Run the program. At the first start it will activate your key and bind your pc by UUID.
  4. You will see a menu. Done…

Synchronization error

You probably have the wrong time in your system. Synchronize it in the time zone settings. After that everything should work.


1)Get all Mail:Pass lines

You download the logs folder. And you get a ready-made database e-mails + passwords.

Principle of operation:

  1. Finds files with passwords.
  2. Collects the necessary strings.

2)Get all Login:Pass lines

You download the logs folder. And you get a ready-made database login + passwords.

Principle of operation:

  1. Finds files with passwords.
  2. Collects the necessary strings.

3)Get site Result - Mail:Pass

Сollects e-mails + passwords from the logs.

Collects data from a specific site.

Principle of operation:

  1. Finds files with passwords.
  2. Collects the necessary strings.

4)Get site Result - Login:Pass

Сollects Login + passwords from the logs.

Collects data from a specific site.

Principle of operation:

  1. Finds files with passwords.
  2. Collects the necessary strings.

5)Get site Result - url:login:pass

Сollects url:login:pass from the logs. Collects data from a specific site.
Example – can be used to search for wp/cpanel or other admin panels. You get a link to the site and authorization data. In the search query write wp-admin or admin or any similar.

Principle of operation:

  1. Finds files with passwords.
  2. Collects the necessary strings.

6)Get Discord token

Collects all Discord tokens from the logs.

Principle of operation:

  1. Finds files with authorization key.
  2. Collects strings into the database.

7)Get CreditCards

Collects bank card data.

Principle of operation:

  1. Finds data files from CC.
  2. Collects strings into the database.
  • works with RedLine

8)Get ftp Result - Server:Port:Username:Password

Get ftp Result base – Server:Port:Username:Password

Principle of operation:

  1. Finds the FTP folder and collects the data.
  2. Collects strings into the database and removes bad strings.

9)Get of your requests Result - Login:pass

Collects data on all services that are specified in the file – request.txt. Convenient for mass collection of multiple sites at once.

Principle of operation:

  1. It takes the required requests from the request.txt file.
  2. Searches for files with passwords.
  3. Collects strings with necessary requests.

10)Get of your requests Result - Folder:Login:pass

Collects data on all services that are specified in the file – request.txt. Convenient for mass collection of multiple sites at once.

Principle of operation:

  1. It takes the required requests from the request.txt file.
  2. Searches for files with passwords.
  3. Collects strings with necessary requests.

11)(request.txt) Get of your requests Result - Url:Login:pass

Collects data on all services that are specified in the file – request.txt. Convenient for mass collection of multiple sites at once.

Principle of operation:

  1. It takes the required requests from the request.txt file.
  2. Searches for files with passwords.
  3. Collects strings with necessary requests.

20)Get base url:login:pass

Collects the url:login:pass database.

Principle of operation:

  1. Searches for files with passwords.
  2. Converts to url:login:pass format

21)Get of Mail:Pass from the base (url:login:pass) Result - Mail:Pass

Collects base mail + password from the url:login:pass database.

Principle of operation:

  1. Analyzes the downloaded ULP database
  2. Creates Mail:Pass database

22)Get of your requests(Login-string) from the base (url:login:pass) Result - url:login:pass

The function looks for your query in the username. It can be useful when searching for a specific person or a specific login.

Principle of operation:

  1. Analyzes the downloaded ULP database
  2. Creates a database with your query in the login.

23)Get of your requests(Login-string) from the base (url:login:pass) Result - login:pass

The function looks for your query in the username. It can be useful when searching for a specific person or a specific login.

Principle of operation:

  1. Analyzes the downloaded ULP database
  2. Creates a database with your query in the login.

24)Get of your requests from the base (url:login:pass) Result - url:login:pass

This function is needed to find the right strings in your url:login:pass databases. In the file request.txt write all the requests you need. If you are looking for ports, do not specify the (:) sign, just the number of the desired port.

Principle of operation:

  1. Analyzes the ULP database
  2. Creates a database with your request in the URL.

25)Get of your requests from the base (url:login:pass) Result - login:pass

This function is needed to find the right strings in your url:login:pass databases. In the file request.txt write all the requests you need. If you are looking for ports, do not specify the (:) sign, just the number of the desired port.

Principle of operation:

  1. Analyzes the ULP database
  2. Creates a database with your request in the URL.

26)Get ALL Login:Pass from the base (url:login:pass)

Collects all login+password strings

Principle of operation:

  1. Analyzes the ULP database.
  2. Collects the base.

27)Get Number:Pass base from the base (url:login:pass)

Collects all Number:Pass strings

Principle of operation:

  1. Analyzes the ULP database.
  2. Collects the base.

30)Delete files Custom

In deletefiles.txt you should set the values you want or leave my settings. After activation, the program will delete all specified files from the specified logs.

Principle of operation:

  1. All files are indexed.
  2. The script deletes files by list.

50)FTP Check

Automatic checker of FTP connections. To work you need to load the sheet given by the 8 function.

Principle of operation:

  1. indexes the list.
  2. In several threads tries to connect to each server and if successful, collects the names of files in the directory.
  3. Outputs the list of working servers and the list of files inside.

51)WordPress Checker

Automatic wordpress checker. To work you need to load url:login:pass base where there is wp-login/wp-admin.

Principle of operation:

  1. indexes the list.
  2. Checks the site for responsiveness.
  3. Tries to authorize to the panel. If successful, it writes it to a file.

52)FTP Upload

Automatically upload files to FTP.
Instructions: create a folder (exfiles) in this folder upload your index.php and related files if necessary.

Working principle.

  1. Upload the necessary files to the exfiles folder.
  2. Upload FTP server.
  3. The script searches for the index.php file deletes it if it finds it and uploads your files.

53)WordPress Upload

Load the data rows of the sites where there are ADMIN rights. Then you need to download the plugin in .zip format. The script will automatically download and activate your plugin on all sites.

54)cPanel Checker

To work, you need to load ULP strings with ports – 2083 2082 2087 2086 2086 2095 2096
The script will check your strings and sort the pani and mails to different files. Thus you will get a convenient log with webmail and control panels.

70)Get logs with folder Steam

Collects all logs where there is a Steam folder.

Working principle.

  1. The script indexes folder names.
  2. Copies to the new directory only those logs where there is a Steam folder

71)Get telegram folder

Collects all logs where there is a telegram folder.

Working principle.

  1. The script indexes folder names.
  2. Copies only logs with telegram folder to a new directory

72)Get logs with folder Discord

Collects all logs where there is a Discord folder.

Working principle.

  1. The script indexes folder names.
  2. Copies only logs with Discord folder to a new directory

73)Get logs with folder FTP

Collects all logs where there is a FTP folder.

Working principle.

  1. The script indexes folder names.
  2. Copies to a new directory only those logs where there is an FTP folder

74)Get with folder ALL Wallets

Collects all logs where there is a Wallets folder.

Working principle.

  1. The script indexes folder names.
  2. Copies to a new directory only those logs where there is an Wallets folder

75)Get Wallets logs (list - wallets.txt)

Collects all logs where there is a folder With the desired wallet for you.

Working principle.

  1. The script indexes folder names.
  2. Copies to a new directory only those logs where there is an Wallets (list – wallets.txt) folder

76)Get Seed phrases

Collects SEED phrases from logs.

80)Removing duplicates

Removes duplicate lines in a file.

Working principle.

  1. The script indexes a text file.
  2. Creates a new file with unique lines only.

81)Combine txt files into one

Collects several text files into one.
When activated, you will be presented with a window with file selection. Select all files you want to merge into one.

Working principle.

  1. The script indexes text files.
  2. Creates a new text file with all lines.

82)String normalizer url:login:pass

Removes all garbage strings and brings the base to U:L:P format. Removes all strings that do not start with http or android. Replaces spaces with a delimiter. Removes strings without part of data. Removes strings with no password or login.

Working principle.

  1. The script indexes the text file.
  2. Creates a new text file.

83)Split the database by number of rows

Splits a string base into several smaller ones. The number of rows in each base you specify yourself. For example, you can split a base of 1m rows into two bases of 500k.

Working principle.

  1. The script indexes the text file.
  2. Creates a new text file.

84)String normalizer mail:pass

Normalizes strings. Removes all garbage strings.

85)Sorting email

Sorts Mail-pass databases by domain

86)String randomizer

Shuffles all the lines in the file.